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Workplace Violence (Policy)

Office of Origin: Human Resources
Responsibility:  Executive Director, Human Resources
Date Adopted: 07-06-01
Dates Reviewed: 06-20-18, 10-25-22
Last Date Board Approved: 10-25-22

Lake Michigan College (the College) is committed to maintaining a workplace and learning environment where violence, threatening behavior, and harassment (collectively, “workplace violence”) directed towards any person will not be tolerated. The College will actively work to prevent and eliminate workplace violence on campus, and will respond promptly and decisively to such.

Any and all forms of workplace violence that involves or affects the College or that occurs on campus is prohibited by this policy. “Campus” is collectively defined as the College’s premises, any off-campus location where an employee is on official duty or travel status, and related facilities such as the residence hall. 

Workplace violence encompasses any behavior that is violent, threatens violence, coerces, harasses or intimidates others, interferes with an individual’s legal rights of movement or expression, or disrupts the workplace, the academic environment, or the College’s ability to provide services to the public. Examples of workplace violence include, but are not limited to:

  • Disruptive behavior, which is defined as the intent to disturb, interfere with or prevent normal work activities (such as yelling, using profanity, verbally abusing others, or waving arms and fists.)
  • Intentional physical contact for the purpose of causing harm (such as slapping, stabbing, punching, striking, shoving, or other physical attack).
  • Menacing or threatening behavior (such as throwing objects, pounding on a desk or door, damaging property, stalking, or otherwise acting aggressively, or making oral or written statements specifically intended to frighten, coerce, or threaten) where a reasonable person would interpret such behavior as constituting evidence of intent to cause harm to individuals or property.
  • Violating the Weapons-Free College policy.

General Reporting Responsibilities

Engaging in workplace violence is considered a serious form of employee misconduct. Reports of such acts will be promptly investigated and action will be taken, as necessary, to appropriately address each incident. Actions may include the termination of an employee involved in such acts and the timely involvement of law enforcement, when appropriate. Actions may also include removal of visitors or vendors from campus or termination of vendor contracts.

Incidents of workplace violence, threats of workplace violence, or observations of workplace violence are not to be ignored by any member of the College community. Employees should alert their supervisors, the Director of Public Safety, or the Human Resources Department of any suspicious workplace activity or situations that they observe or of which they are aware, such as threats or acts of workplace violence. Each person to whom such a report is made must immediately refer the report to the Human Resources Department.

Employee reports made pursuant to this policy will be held in confidence to the maximum possible extent. The College will not condone any form of retaliation against any employee for making a report under this policy. It is important that all members of the College community take this responsibility seriously to effectively maintain a safe working and learning environment

References: Weapons-Free College policy

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